Philippine Accountancy Act
By-laws and Chapter Policy Manual
PRBOA Resolution No. 30 Series 2023
Through a resolution issued by the PRBOA, Certificate of Membership in Good Standing with PICPA is now a requirement in the PRC License Renewal of Certified Public Accountants, applicable to all sectors.
FY 2024-2025
FY 2023-2024
ED Memo FY 2023-2024-003 Member’s Amnesty and Reinstatement Program
ED Memo FY 2023-2024-014 Extension of Member’s Amnesty and Reinstatement Program
FY 2022-2023
ED Memo FY 2022-2023-001 Extension of Reinstatement Program to Collect More Proxy Forms
ED Memo FY 2022-2023-003 National Awards Guidelines, Timetable and Criteria
ED Memo FY 2022-2023-008 PICPA COMELEC Timetable and Revised Election Manual
FY 2020-2021